SMS Robot:send SMS by location

by EpsilonMoves



Send SMS message based on your location.nLocation Based free application.

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SMS Robot will send SMS messages for you.If you want to notify your partner that you left the workplace, SMS Robot will send SMS.If you have friends that makes you wait outside every time you pick them, SMS Robot can send them a text "I am outside" based on the location from their house.Someone pick you up from the train station? SMS Robot can send a text before you arrive to the station while you sleep.Simple to use and free to download.Robot SMS can Send SMS to multiple recipients to let them know youre in town.Let your family know that youre near the store.Send automatic text to your mom and let her know you got home safe.Drive safe and make SMS Robot do the work for you.Get a notification for each text message that was sent.Automate your life and download this application.No more texting and driving! make the robot do the work for you!EpsilonMoves is not saving your data nor have access to it.- send sms by location- make the robot do the work for you- no need to text and drive- send text just once or every time you are at a specific location- set the robot to send the text when you enter or when you leave the place- let someone know you arrived to your apartment or to any location- have a safe drive with SMS Robot - a must have for every car ownerUse SMS Robot as an automatic sender that fits your needs.Make SMS Robot your new assistant that send text at the important time to friends and family.adjust the radius for maximum efficiency.Tell the driver of the car to use the robot as a sender and keep safe.Instead of waiting for your friends in the car just use SMS Robot and tell them you are waiting for them outside the apartment so when you get there they will be waiting for you.The robot will make your life easier by taking day to day tasks off your hands.Easy to set up and to use.Send sms by location hands free, let the robot do all the work.Dont miss valuable sleep on the train and let SMS Robot send text to the person that need to pick you up saying "I am at this location".If youre plane just landed and you want to notify to your family that you are ok? just set SMS Robot to do that for you and you can get to your business right away.If youre going to a friends house send sms from the SMS Robot free application and tell this friend to boil the water for the coffee.Send text message via SMS Robot to your favorite restaurant and tell them to save you a table or make your favorite food. If you like SMS Robot tell to all the people at your workplace and your family and friends about it.If you have any suggestion for improvement or a change fell free to email us, we will love to hear from the users what they like and what they dislike about the app.Location based messages are the future, download the application today and be a part of it.Send text on the way home or on the way to work.Life is easy now with SMS Robot.EpsilonMoves takes its users privacy very seriously and doesnt store any information!This text sender is what you waited for!Increase the safety of you and the passengers in your car with SMS Robot.Tell your friends about that robot!Send text in the form of sms via this free location based application.Let your friends know you are on the way to pick them up.Tell your spouse that you just left the office or the work space and get to your car easy.This robot will be your best friend : he is free and sender of messages!Use this location based application while you still in your car.Send sms and send text was never easier.Text and drive no more! with SMS Robot both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road!This drive safe free application will put a stop to texting and driving.Never forget to notify mom you got home safe with this sms auto sender free application.Drive safe and dont worry about sending text messages to friends notify them what is your location, focus on the roads and let SMS Robot do all the work for you.

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Why don't you update this app. It needs lot of changes.

Neeraj Singh Rathore

Easy to use

Amir Segal